لعبة الألغاز وايجاد الحلول ,, Amazing Adventures The Forgotten Dynasty
Amazing Adventures The Forgotten Dynasty
لاتحتاج تثبيت

لعبة ممتعه مناسبه لجميع الاعمار ,,, قائمة على العديد
من المراحل عليك ايجاد الأدوات الناقصه في الصورة وحل
الغازها وايجاد قائمة من الأغراض المطروحه لك

Chinese history spans thousands & thousands
of years, but rumors of a Forgotten Dynasty
have surfaced when ancient tiles,
dated before the first known Dynasty,
started turning up on the black market.
Under the direction of the Museum,
you must immediately begin your advent
ure to locate the Forgotten Dynasty.
Travel to 25 unique & exotic locations
to find over 2200 hidden objects
in 3 different game modes:
Uncover the Forgotten Dynasty,
plus two unlimited bonus games which
are unlocked after you have found
the Forgotten Dynasty or have found
all 50 hidden Symbols. Good luck on your adventure!

Platform: PC
OS: XP/VISTA/Windows 7
Min CPU: Pentium 4
Min Speed: 0.5 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Min Space: 75 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Graphics: SVGA Graphics Card

Audio: Windows compatible sound system

لأفضل تحميل استخدم ,, [IDM]

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